Reporting Absences
School attendance and promptness are the responsibilities of students and their parents. Every effort should be made to assure that students are in school when classes are in session. Personal illness, death in the family and any other urgent reason affecting the child may necessitate an absence. Parents are expected to contact the school office by 7:30 a.m. when a student will be absent by using the 24-Hour attendance line. When calling your child in as absent please include the following information in your message: child’s name, teacher’s name and reason for absence. If a parent does not call, office personnel will call the parent's home or work to verify the absence. Teachers will assist pupils in making up work missed during an excused absence.
Early Childhood Edu Center Attendance Line: (630) 238-0387
Oakbrook Elementary Attendance Line: (630) 766-2174
Westview Elementary Attendance Line: (630) 766-2094
Wood Dale Junior High Attendance Line: (630) 766-1839