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Board Of Education

Joe Petrella

Joe Petrella



Todd Cox

Todd Cox

Vice President 


Aida Miljkovic

Aida Miljkovic

Board Secretary


Mary Fletcher-Gomez

Mary Fletcher-Gomez



David Woods

David Woods



Elitsa Papadopoulos

Elitsa Papadopoulos



Araceli Botello

Araceli Botello



District 7 is governed by a School Board consisting of 7 elected members.  The basic responsibilities of the Board of Education are to set policy and hire a Superintendent who will guide the administration in the day to day operation of the District 7 Schools.  Additionally, the Board hires and terminates personnel, approves expenditures, enacts the annual budget, and sees that the educational program for the students is continually evaluated and improved.  The Superintendent makes recommendations to the Board regarding all these matters.

It is important to note that there are several other groups that have control over what Boards of Education can do.  The Illinois General Assembly enacts the majority of laws which either direct the Board of Education to act or restrict what it can do.  The Illinois State Board of Education and State Superintendent of Education also have powers which affect the local Board of Education.

Any action the Board does take, however, must always be done in a public session.  Executive or closed sessions are legally permitted for such items as discussion personnel, but no action can be taken by the Board in private.  Also, it is important to remember a Board member has no power himself/herself.  The individual Board member is just that – a member of the Board.  The whole Board must act on the business of the school district at a scheduled public meeting.

The seven members of the District 7 Board of Education are elected to staggered four year terms.  The current members and their terms are listed above.  In odd numbered years, the Board elections are held on the first Tuesday after the First Monday in April.  Board members receive no pay for their service, and are elected to represent the entire District 7 community, not just the area in which they live.

Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Wood Dale Board of Education Office, 543 N. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale, IL at 7:00 p.m.  Additional meetings may be called as needed.

A Wood Dale School District 7 Board of Education email is available to provide an additional communication vehicle between the Board of Education and its stakeholders. All emails sent to the will be shared with the superintendent and all board members.