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Chromebook Info

Wood Dale Students are issued a Chromebook, charger and case. Students are responsible for the following:

Device Care:

  • Students are responsible for taking care of the Chromebook provided by the school. This includes keeping it clean, not placing heavy objects on it, and avoiding spills.


  • Ensuring that the Chromebook is charged and ready for use in class. 

Internet Safety:

  • Using the Chromebook responsibly on the internet and adhering to the school's internet safety policies.

Reporting Issues:

  • Promptly reporting any technical issues or problems with the Chromebook to the school.

Chromebook Replacement Information

In the event you have a missing or purposefully damaged Chromed charger, stylus, or device, please click here to purchase a replacement.  Once payment is received, your child's building secretary will contact you when the item is ready for pick-up.